Part Time | Remote
You are diplomatic and passionate about helping clients and the creative team feel connected, organized and inspired.
You're polished and professional. Detail-oriented and a perfectionist.
You love helping creative people do great work.
You're confident in your ability to grow in partnership with a small and thriving creative agency.
This job starts out as a part-time role, Zoom-based work from home, 15-30 hours a week. Starting salary is $16-$20/hour DOE.
We're in Seattle - Pacific Time - and you'll frequently need to do your job during business hours on the west coast.
The key elements of this job include:
Each week you'll assist PMs and the creative team to organize client deliverables and build web pages using an intuitive website builder and CMS.
In sales, we speak with prospective new clients, introduce them to our process and culture of support and collaboration.
On the PM + Production side, we coordinate with current clients and the creative team to build and deliver websites in a timely and process-driven way.
Our clients host their websites on our platform. Taking care of them and meeting their needs is at the heart of our agency's success in maintaining long term relationships with our clients.
A person who thrives and excels in this job has multiple avenues for growth within the agency and beyond. We're committed to making sure you get a chance to learn about the workings of these creative projects, interact with clients and prospects and the creative team, and build your professional agency experience.
Our goal with every project is to launch not only a website, but a long-term client relationship. We're passionate about helping our clients grow, and ready to support their design and marketing needs as they do.
We strive to produce work that’s beautiful and creates positive emotions; is effective in helping our clients achieve their goals; and is easy for them to manage. Our projects are sometimes glamorous, sometimes quirky, sometimes down-to-earth.
Culture: We don’t have a fancy downtown office but we do have a nice sunny space with a gorgeous view, across from Gas Works Park on the Burke Gilman trail. Our team culture values high achievers who deliver great results while still enjoying life.
Apply via email. Use the address on our contact page.
In your email please include: